1 Remove the Hollmanne HE-R calibrator from the case.
2 Put the Hollmanne HE-R calibrator on the shaft with long fingers to the balancing machine.
3 Remove a special cone from the case (Attention! It is used only for a test router).
4 Install the Hollmanne HE-R calibrator on a special cone.
5 Put the fast nut on the shaft and tighten it.
6 Enter the MENU, then:
  • Press number 7 (“Next”).
  • Then press number 3 (the “Calibration” section will open).
  • Then press number 5 and hold on until you will hear the beep sounds (Attention! A special MENU will open only for professional use with the kit Hollmanne HE-R calibrator).
7 After the special menu will be opened:
  • Press number 4 (“Shaft Calibration”).
  • Then the “Start” button.
  • The shaft calibration process will start (Attention! It is very important not to get close to the rotating test router! Danger for life!).
8 You will see on the screen: “Shaft calibration is completed”.
9 The system will automatically return to the “Calibration” MENU. Next:
  • Press number 2 (“Calibration of the distance ruler”) and start to proceed to the execution of item 1 “Touch the cup with a distance handle and press the Enter key”.
  • Go to step 2 “Insert the distance handle into position 1 and press Enter key.”
  • Go to step 3 “Insert the distance handle into position 3 and press Enter key”. In the end you will see: “The calibration of the distance handle is completed”.
10 Then return the distance handle to the zero position. Press the MENU, then:
  • Press the button 7 (“Next”),
  • Press the button 3 (“Calibration”),
  • Press the button 1 (“Basic Calibration”).
  • Press 5 and hold until the beep (Attention! A special menu will open only for professional use!).
  • Set the range of the distance to the long finger of the Hollmanne HE-R calibrator until the sound signal (the parameters of the Hollmanne HE-R calibrator are measured).
11 Take a caliper and measure the wheel width. The obtained readings (7 inches) enter into the machine by pressing the buttons 1 (-) or 2 (+). Next, click the “Start” button. Upon completion of the calibration process go to step 11
12 Get a calibration weight 75 g out of the case and put into the short finger of Hollmanne HE-R calibrator, then:
  • Press the “Start”.
  • Remove calibration weight from the short finger to long finger of Hollmanne HE-R calibrator.
  • Press the “Start”. You should wait until the calibration process will be completed and the calibration parameters will be calculated. You will see red message: “Calibration is completed.” (Attention! If you see: “Calibration is not completed” you must repeat the calibration process (Section 11). If you see “Calibration is not completed” again, you need to check the balancing machine (it may be broken!).
  • After the inscription: “Calibration is completed” press the STOP. The figure should appear 75, then, proceed to the process of calibration angle.
  • You need to select the ALU menu (press the number 2) and select the third ALU 2 mode (two self-adhesive weights).
  • Press the START.
13 After completion of the balancing process, you need to check whether the correct angle.
14 If the angle is wrong:
  • Go to the Menu, press the number 7 (“Next”).
  • Then press the number 1 (“Parameters”).
  • Then press the number 6 and hold until a beep sounds.
  • Next, we adjust the parameter, depending on which way we need to adjust the angle (use the 1 or 2 (+ -) button for this).
  • Press Enter to save and click the Stop button.
  • Check the angle as long as you do not get the desired result.
15 If the machine has ultrasound (Ultrasonic Sensor):
  • Take the usual ruler and measure the distance between the plane of the distance ruler and the plane of the ultrasonic scanner (ultrasonic sensor). For example, we get a distance of 560 mm.
  • Go to the Menu, press the button 7 (“Next”).
  • Go to the Menu “Calibration” (button 3) and select “Calibration of Ultrasound Scanning” (to do this, press the button 3).
  • Set the value of the distance parameter obtained earlier.
  • Fix with the Enter button.
16 The calibration process is complete.
After completion, it is necessary to disassemble and fold the parts into the case:
  • Unscrew the weight 75 gr and fold into the case.
  • Remove the quick-release nut.
  • Remove the special cone and fold into the case.
  • Remove the Hollmanne HE-R calibrator from the shaft and fold it into the case with your fingers down.